December Club Meeting

Please join us for our December club meeting this Saturday, December 12th, at Bold City.  Due to social distancing, we will be meeting in the parking lot, between Bold City and Just Brew It.  Judging will begin at 5 pm, followed by our social hour at 6 pm, and the business meeting will start at 7 pm.  Please bring your own chairs.  In case of light rain, if you have a pop-up tent, we encourage you to bring that as well.  If the rain is too heavy, we will have to cancel the meeting, but will still figure a way to complete the judging.  There will be a raffle, however we would prefer square payments or exact change to limit contact.    

This month’s Interklub Competition is Winter Seasonal & Pastry Beers (BJCP Cats 30C & 31B). Please remember to register your entry online, print a label, and you may drop off your entries to Just Brew It by close of business Friday or bring your chilled bottles to the meeting at 5 pm. We will need two bottles of homebrew for judging. 


  • You have until the December meeting to nominate yourself or another member for officer for 2021.  If you are interested, please email Mike Lentz at Your dues need to be current to run. 
  • King Maker Brewing’s Belgian Festival has been rescheduled to January 30, 2021.  They will be looking for klub volunteers to provide and share samples of their Belgian beers. 
  • January’s Annual Banquet (01/09/2021):
    • With consideration to COVID concerns and social distancing requirements with adequate ventilation we will move the banquet to King Maker Brewing this year. 
    • We are looking into catering options to reduce contact – more infomation to come.
    • Anyone considering bringing food should consider individual servings (i.e. wrapped food).
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