Monthly Archives: December 2020
CASK Annual January Banquet
Don’t forget, the End of the Year Banquet will be held at King Maker Brewing on January 9th at 5pm. Dinner will be served at 6pm. This year’s menu is: Pulled PorkBeef BrisketSmoked ChickenGrilled Portobello MushroomsBaked BeansRoasted Corn on the CobMac … Continue reading
Congratulations to Jason and Denise Click for their Abbaye Normale tapping yesterday evening. The Clicks brewed their gold medal winning Belgian Dubbel at SJ Brewing Company in Yulee, Florida. Many family and friends of the Click’s came out to enjoy … Continue reading
December’s Meeting and Interklub Competition
Thanks to everyone who were able to make it out on such a damp evening, such a great time!
Jason Click’s Abbaye Normale Dubbel Tapping
Come join Jason and his family and friends at SJ Brewing Company in Yulee on Thursday, December 17th, at 5:30 pm for the tapping of his gold medal Belgian Dubbel.
Winter Seasonal & Pastry Beers Winners
Congratulations goes out to the winners of our December Interklub Competition! GOLD: Ian Dibble – Pastry Beer SILVER: Ryan & Therese Anderson – Winter Seasonal Honorable Mention: Darryl Dauphin – Winter Seasonal Honorable Mention: John Peterson – Pastry Beer
December Club Meeting
Please join us for our December club meeting this Saturday, December 12th, at Bold City. Due to social distancing, we will be meeting in the parking lot, between Bold City and Just Brew It. Judging will begin at 5 pm, followed by … Continue reading